• The Gren Klaipėda Waste-to-Energy Plant

    The Gren Klaipėda Waste-to-Energy Plant

    Virtual tour

    The garbage in your dustbin can be much more than just waste. It can be converted into electricity, but...

  • Tallink MyStar

    Tallink MyStar

    Virtual tour

    MyStar is the most modern and energy-efficient LNG ship in Tallink's fleet, with a speed of 27 knots. The 212.2-meter ship can accommodate a total of 2,800 passengers and…

  • Tartu Ülikooli virtuaaltuur

    Virtual tour of the University of Tartu

    Virtual tour

    The city of Tartu is small, but the University of Tartu is huge inside it. Educational buildings, dormitories, administrative units in other cities. Exciting labs, beautiful...

  • Ülestõusmispühade jumalateenistus Suur-Kolkja vanausuliste palvemajas

    Easter service in Suur-Kolkja Old Believers' prayer house

    360 video

    It is only worth putting the VR device in front of the museum visitor's eyes, if he is already in the Suur-Kolkja prayer house, where the Old Believers gather, the bells ring...

  • Enefit280 õlitehas

    Enefit280 oil plant

    Virtual tour

    How is oil pressed from stone? This is exactly what the new virtual tour shows, which takes the viewer into the most exciting recesses of the Enefit280 oil factory.

  • Tartu linna virtuaaltuur

    Virtual tour of the city of Tartu

    Virtual tour

    We started making the virtual tour of the city of Tartu from the minimum. We selected 25 locations that could be of most interest to tourists and photographed them...

  • Aalto University

    Aalto University

    Virtual tour

    Explore Aalto University's campus from anywhere in the world! Digital guides, an Aalto University student and an assistant professor,…

  • Paldiski tuulepark

    Paldiski wind farm

    Virtual tour

    Not everyone can get into an electric wind turbine. Now you can: virtually and with a guide. At the request of Eesti Energia, we selected one wind turbine in the Paldiski peninsula wind farm...

  • TalTech virtuaaltuur

    TalTech Virtual Tour

    Virtual tour

    This is a virtual tour of TalTech. A visual environment with a virtual guide, the purpose of which is to introduce TalTech University primarily abroad, but also in Estonia. On tour...

  • Volkswagen Multivan

    Volkswagen Multivan

    Virtual tour

    Volkswagen Multivan virtual tour

  • Silja Galaxy kruiisilaev

    Silja Galaxy cruise ship

    Virtual tour

    The Silja Galaxy cruise ship sails between Turku and Stockholm. Together with the Baltic Princess, they cross the Baltic Sea twice...

  • Vana-Võrumaa suitsusauna VR elamus

    VR experience of the smoke sauna of Vana-Võrumaa

    360 video

    A 360° video with surround sound, created for viewing with VR glasses, was completed in Võrumaa, Mooska smoke sauna. In addition to the Estonian version, the video is also ready...

  • Seesami Tallinna kontor

    Seesam's Tallinn office

    Virtual tour

    Sesame needed a virtual tour for two reasons. First of all: so that, if necessary, customers and partners can be shown online where...

  • Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi maja Tartus

    Estonian Students' Society building in Tartu

    Virtual tour

    The Estonian Students' Society's national-style building has been the home of the oldest continuously operating Estonian student organization for over 100 years. Until then...

  • Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool

    Tallinn Health Care College

    Virtual tour

    The purpose of the virtual tour of the Tallinn Health Care University is to show the learning environment and introduce the curricula in a new and engaging way. Of course, the virtual tour acts as a passive…

  • Silja Europa

    Silja Europa

    Virtual tour

    Silja Europa is the slow ship that sails between Tallinn and Helsinki. When Megastar and Star get from one city to another two...

  • Stenbocki maja virtuaaltuur

    Virtual tour of the Stenbock House

    Virtual tour

    Government sessions are held in the Stenbock House, the Prime Minister and the State Chancellery work there on a daily basis. The government held its first meeting in the Stenbock House on August 8...

  • Iru Elektrijaam

    Iru Power Station

    Virtual tour

    The Iru thermal power plant is the largest combined heat and power plant in Estonia. The main fuel is mixed household waste and natural gas. Liquid fuels are used as reserve fuel. Working at full power...

  • T1 Mall of Tallinn vaateratas

    T1 Mall of Tallinn ferris wheel

    Google Street View

  • Tai restoran Nok Nok

    Thai restaurant Nok Nok

    Virtual tour

    Nok Nok may very well be the fanciest Thai restaurant you've ever seen. In order to see it, you should go to Tallinn...

  • Eesti Maaülikool

    Estonian University of Life Sciences

    Virtual tour

    The virtual tour of the Estonian University of Life Sciences completed in the summer of 2018 takes the viewer to the campus on the outskirts of Tartu, where five institutes and the most important aspects of university life are introduced...

  • Kultuurikatel

    Cultural boiler

    Virtual tour

    Kultuurikatel is a creative temple located on the border between Kalamaja and the city center, where concerts, theater performances, conferences, study groups, workshops, exhibitions, festivals, etc. take place. This...

  • Tallinna Patarei kindlus

    Tallinn Battery Fortress

    Virtual tour

    Already at the end of the Swedish era, the Kalaranda fortress was built. After the conquest of Tallinn in 1710, the Russians built a ford with wooden embankment buildings on its place, which...

  • Tallinna Teeninduskool

    Tallinn Service School

    Virtual tour

    The virtual tour presents 360-degree views of the classrooms, laboratories and students' activities of the Tallinn Service School. See the virtual tour of the Tallinn Service School

  • Ringvaate stuudio

    Circular View Studio

    Google Street View

  • Tallinna ülikool

    Tallinn University

    Virtual tour

    Photos are too static and video too plain. However, the virtual tour is the perfect medium to show the Tallinn University campus....